It's a Girl - תמר מיטל - Tamar Meital!

We were blessed with the arrival of a healthy baby girl on Saturday, at 11:44AM (EDT). She weighed in at seven pounds, seven ounces. Mia did a wonderful job, and both she and the baby are doing well.

We don't have too many pictures yet, but our new little star was able to pose for a few right after the end of the Sabbath. Come take a look!.

Update: 15 May 2006, 2:05PM

Just posted some pictures from Sunday.

Update: 22 May 2006

Added her name, and some photos from week 1.

We're hoping to have a Simchat Bat (welcoming the new baby) party for Tamar on Sunday June 4 at 5PM (after the parade). Please drop us a line at if you can make it so we can get a rough count in advance.

Copyright 2006, Daniel Padwa